
My name is Itzel (it-cell)

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

That’s a stupid question to ask a kid. My answer used to be a pop star. I was dead serious too, which is a very ambitious response for an introverted youngster with stage fright. The first song I memorized was Maybe by Mpress. You should look it up.

Eventually, I learned how to read and write, so I started writing song lyrics. Which then turned into poems. Which turned into short stories, and soon it developed into a passion for writing.

In middle school, I told my parents I wanted to be a writer. My dad responded by saying that nobody reads; writing is a hobby, not a career. Well, actually, he said, “Itzel, nadie lee. Eso es un pasatiempo, no una carrera,” but I gave you a rough translation instead.

Now, I’m making a living as a copywriter. I was finally able to prove him wrong.

Email or shoot me a text! (813) 952-0226



Logo Design: Nick Callender